Provider Organization Document Library

This library contains educational documents for Wyoming Provider Organizations.

Provider Portal Complete Training Document
This Training Manual will provide an overview of basic features and functions in the CareBridge Solution and help Wyoming Provider Organization Employees learn how to set it up best to enable the delivery of services by Caregivers using the CareBridge Mobile Application or IVR.


This is a 79-page/9915 KB PDF file.

Provider Portal Complete Training Document (Spanish Translation)
This Training Manual will provide an overview of basic features and functions in the CareBridge Solution and help Wyoming Provider Organization Employees learn how to set it up best to enable the delivery of services by Caregivers using the CareBridge Mobile Application or IVR.


This is a 78-page/825 MB PDF file.

Wyoming Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Claims Cycle Reference Document
This Reference Document is intended to help Wyoming Medicaid provider organizations subject to Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for personal care services (PCS) and home health services (HH) understand Wyoming’s claim cycle and how to best review and submit EVV visits for billing. 


This is a 5-page/136 KB PDF file.

Wyoming Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Claims Cycle Reference Document (Spanish Translation)
This Reference Document is intended to help Wyoming Medicaid provider organizations subject to Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for personal care services (PCS) and home health services (HH) understand Wyoming’s claim cycle and how to best review and submit EVV visits for billing. 


This is a 5-page/136 KB PDF file.

Wyoming Void Claim Process for EVV Users
This document will provide an overview for how Provider organizations should use the CareBridge Provider Portal to void any visits and/or claims that have been previously billed through CareBridge.


This is a two-page/471 KB PDF file.

Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) EVV Respite Daily vs 15 Minute Guidance Document
This reference document provides guidance and scenarios on respite services for a minimum and maximum threshold for specified daily services from a midnight-to-midnight span.


This is a 27-page/1.6 MB PDF file.

WY Attending Provider Selection Process
In order to bill for Home Health Services, providers must designate an ‘Attending Provider’ for all authorizations.


This is a 2-page/661 KB PDF file.

WY Diagnosis Code Selection
In order to bill for Home Health Services, providers must add a diagnosis code for all authorizations.


This is a 1-page/727 KB PDF file.

WY Geo Fence Guidelines
CareBridge has implemented a half mile geo-fence for all Wyoming Department of Health visits across both Personal Care and Home Health services.


This is a 1-page/316 KB PDF file.

EVV Multi-Factor Authentication
All Providers are required to set up multi-factor authentication unless the user has valid biometric verification of their device.


This is a 1-page/190 KB PDF file.

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