Getting Started with CareBridge - Integrated Agencies

While your EVV vendor works with CareBridge to complete the integration process, there are several actions you can take to help ensure your agency’s successful integration.

  • Use the CareBridge provider portal to review your agency’s member and authorization details and confirm that what is in your Third-party EVV system matches what CareBridge has received from our health plan/state partners.
    • Information on accessing the CareBridge provider portal can be found on the CareBridge Integration page under Resources for Integrated Agencies > Integrating Agency-CareBridge Portal Access Request
  • Familiarize yourself with the CareBridge pre-billing validation errors.
    • Prior to each visit being loaded into CareBridge, a series of validation checks are performed to ensure that the visit:
      • Is compliant with the 21st Century Cures Act
      • Meets any state/health plan defined requirements
      • Passes common billing rules
    • The pre-billing validation check is a critical function performed by CareBridge which supports you and your agency by monitoring all appointments and visits and flagging issues that could lead to a claim being rejected.
    • Validations are returned to Third-party EVV vendors in 2 ways:
      1. The Visit Error Response file, which is returned to your EVV vendor for every file that they send to CareBridge
      2. The Appointment Error Report, which is sent to your EVV vendor daily
        • Some pre-billing validations errors are quick to resolve and others will require more focused attention and communication between you and your EVV vendor or the health plan/state program.
        • All pre-billing validations errors must be resolved before a claim can be generated.

It's important that you discuss with your vendor how your agency will receive pre-billing validation
error details and how you should resubmit the visit once the error has been

      • It is recommended that visits being sent to CareBridge are initially sent with the ClaimAction field left blank/null.
      • Once all pre-billing validation errors have been resolved then the visit should be sent to CareBridge with the claim indicator of ‘N’ in the ClaimAction field.
    • Common validations can be found HERE.
  • Continue to follow-up and check-in with your EVV vendor to ensure that they are moving through the integration process with CareBridge to meet necessary deadlines.
  • As your EVV vendor nears the completion of the integration process with CareBridge, you should review the Provider Agencies Using Third-Party EVV Vendors Preparedness Checklist.
    • This can be found on the CareBridge Integration page under Resources for Integrated Agencies > Provider Agencies Using Third-Party EVV Vendors Preparedness Checklist.
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