Provider Agency Document Library

This library contains educational documents for North Carolina Provider Agencies.

Provider Portal Training Manual
This Training Manual will provide an overview of the basic features and functions of the CareBridge Solution and help Provider Agency Employees learn how to set it up to enable the delivery of services by Caregivers using the CareBridge Mobile Application.


This is a 66-page/7.3 MB PDF file.  Last updated 07/25/2022.

Setting Up Your Office in the Provider Portal
This Training Guide is intended to help the user understand how to best utilize the CareBridge Solution as a part of the day-to-day services that are provided. If at any point there are questions, our team is here to help: or 1 (855) 782-5976.


This is a ten-page/3.0 MB PDF file.

Scheduling Appointments in the Provider Portal
This document is intended to teach Provider Agency employees about scheduling appointments for caregivers and members in the Provider Portal.


This is a five-page/710 KB PDF file.

Diagnosis Codes in the Provider Portal for Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
This document is intended to teach Provider Agency employees about adding diagnosis codes to member information in the Provider Portal.


This is a three-page/480 KB PDF file.

Manual Entries in the Provider Portal
The Visits page in the CareBridge Provider Portal allows Provider Agency Employees to view completed visits, pre-claim checks, and request claims. They can also make Manual Entries from here.


This is a seven-page/1 MB PDF file.

Billing in the Provider Portal
The Billing Page in the CareBridge Provider Portal allows Provider Agency Employees to view completed visits that have been submitted for claim processing, enabling them to address denials, rejections, and paid amounts. This guide will show you how to use the Provider Portal Billing resources to your best benefit.


This is a six-page/779 KB PDF file.

CareBridge Role Definitions
The Roles definitions document defines typical roles that are found in the Provider Portal Technical Manual.


This is a one-page/106 KB PDF file.

Retroactive Claims Catch-Up
A backlog of visits/claims that need to be entered can result when claims are denied for services provided without using EVV. A second, less common scenario, is when a provider agency waits for their third-party EVV vendor to complete data integration and “holds” claims. Then subsequently, that provider agency decides to start using CareBridge EVV. This document will guide the provider agency Admin in a process to assist with entering a large number of past visits to aid in bringing their payments up-to-date.


This is a five-page/3 MB PDF file.

Appointment Location Type Selection
This guide will provide details on allocating a location type for a Member's primary and secondary address(es).


This is one-page/288 KB PDF file.

No Authorization Workflow
This guide will provide details on scheduling without an existing authorization.


This is two-page/288 KB PDF file.

North Carolina Provider Revenue Code Selection Process

The purpose of this document is to help guide Providers partners with identified additional revenue codes that are allowable for any given procedure code.


This is a two-page/2 MB PDF file.

Authorization Issuance Types

Procedure codes are categorized as always, sometimes, or never requiring a prior authorization for a service to be performed. This document outlines the criteria for prior authorizations and which codes may require them.


This is a thirteen-page/367 KB PDF file.

Diagnosis Code Selection - Home Health

Home Health services must include a diagnosis code selection prior to billing.


This is a one-page/251 KB PDF file.

EVV Multi-Factor Authentication
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