Appointment Status Report Specification
- CareBridge can send a daily file which will report on the status of all appointments received for a provider agency. This report will contain information regarding the status of claims for the appointment, the billed amount, and whether there are unresolved pre-billing errors for the appointment.
- Each ApptID CareBridge has received that does not have all related claims resolved for an agency and vendor will be included as a single row on this report.
- When claims for an appointment reach a Paid, Denied, or Billed Externally status in the CareBridge system, the appointment will be included in the report one final time, then removed the following day.
- If an appointment status is updated to Cancelled, the appointment will be included in the report one final time, then removed the following day.
- The Appointment Status Report file can be accessed from the Third-Party EVV vendors established CareBridge SFTP mailbox in the output folder.
- The Appointment Status Report will be generated by state and tax ID, with all outstanding appointments included in the file.
- Fields 58 – 64 are in place to accommodate split claims.
- Appointments that are unable to be imported will not be included in this report.
- Vendors interested in this report should email to opt-in.
- For Vendors in North Carolina, this report will be enabled by default.
- A PDF of this document is available here
- File type: CSV (pipe-delimited)
- One row per appointment / visit
- All DateTime fields are in UTC with zero offset
The general naming convention is as follows:
Ex. APPOINTMENT_STATUS_IA_12345678946_100001624_2021020107000.CSV
For Test Files, “TEST” will prepend the file name as follows:
Ex. TEST_APPOINTMENT_STATUS_IA_12345678946_100001624_2021020107000.CSV
State Abbreviations | |
AR |
Arkansas |
IA |
Iowa |
NC |
North Carolina |
NJ |
New Jersey |
TN |
Tennessee |
WY |
Wyoming |
Appointment Status Report Data Format
Field No | Field Name | Description | Data Type | Example |
1 | VendorName | Name of EVV vendor sending data | Alphanumeric | EVV Vendor |
2 | TransactionId | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 9243 |
3 | TransactionDateTime | Time stamp as received in the visits file. | Datetime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
4 | ApptID | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 1231248391 |
5 | CareBridgeApptID | CareBridge’s ID for the appointment | Numeric | 1000 |
6 | ProviderID | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 43134 |
7 | ProviderName | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | Home Health, LLC |
8 | ProviderNPI | As received in the visits file | Numeric | 1609927680 |
9 | ProviderEIN | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 208076837 |
10 | ProviderMedicaidID | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 982123567 |
11 | CaregiverFName | First name of the caregiver for the CaregiverID in the visits file. | Alphanumeric | Jason |
12 | CaregiverLName | Last name of the caregiver for the CaregiverID in the visits file. | Alphanumeric | Connell |
13 | CaregiverID | CaregiverID in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 7 |
14 | CaregiverLicenseNumber | License Number of the caregiver for the CaregiverID in the visits file (AR and NJ only) | Alphanumeric | 34TT08675309 |
15 | CaregiverDateOfBirth | Date of Birth of the caregiver for the CaregiverID in the visits file. (NJ only) | Alphanumeric | YYYY-MM-DD “1947-03-31” |
16 | CaregiverHireDate | Hire Date of the caregiver for the CaregiverID in the visits file. (NJ only) | Alphanumeric | YYYY-MM-DD “2019-04-05” |
17 | CaregiverType | Caregiver type for the CaregiverID in the visits file. (NJ only) | Alphanumeric | non_skilled |
18 | CaregiverGender | Last name of the caregiver for the CaregiverID in the visits file. (NJ only) | Alphanumeric | M |
19 | MemberFName | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | Jane |
20 | MemberLName | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | Johnson |
21 | MemberMedicaidID | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 236362714245 |
22 | MemberID | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 47138493 |
23 | ApptStartDateTime | As received in the visits file | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
24 | ApptEndDateTime | As received in the visits file | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
25 | CheckInMethod | E, I, or M as received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | E |
26 | CheckInDateTime | As received in the visits file | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
27 | CheckInStreetAddress | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 926 Main St |
28 | CheckInStreetAddress2 | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | Suite B |
29 | CheckInCity | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | Nashville |
30 | CheckInState | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | TN |
31 | CheckInZip | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 37206 |
32 | CheckInLat | As received in the visits file, if CheckInMethod = E | Alphanumeric | ##.######### |
33 | CheckInLong | As received in the visits file, if CheckInMethod = E | Alphanumeric | ##.######### |
34 | CheckOutMethod | E, I, or M as received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | E |
35 | CheckOutDateTime | As received in the visits file | DateTime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
36 | CheckOutStreetAddress | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 926 Main St |
37 | CheckOutStreetAddress2 | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | Suite B |
38 | CheckOutCity | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | Nashville |
39 | CheckOutState | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | TN |
40 | CheckOutZip | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 37206 |
41 | CheckOutLat | As received in the visits file, if CheckInMethod = E | Alphanumeric | ##.######### |
42 | CheckOutLong | As received in the visits file, if CheckInMethod = E | Alphanumeric | ##.######### |
43 | AuthRefNumber | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | 1080421390 |
44 | ServiceCode | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | S5125 |
45 | TimeZone | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | US/Eastern |
46 | MCOID | As received in the visits file | Alphanumeric | IA_AGP |
47 | AppointmentStatus | Status for this ApptID in CareBridge | Alphanumeric | See Appointment Status table below |
48 | HasErrors | True or False depending on whether there are unresolved pre-billing validation errors for this ApptID | Boolean | TRUE |
49 | BilledUnits | Number of units billed to the payer | Decimal | 8 |
50 | BilledAmount | Amount billed to the payer | Decimal | 100 |
51 | Claim1_Status | Status of the claim in CareBridge | Alphanumeric | See Claim Status table below |
52 | Claim1_InvoiceNumber | Vendor’s invoice number as received in the visits file in field 101 or invoice number generated by CareBridge | Alphanumeric | 1001452 |
53 | Claim1_PayerClaimNumber | Payer’s ICN number | Alphanumeric | 2906973589 |
54 | Claim1_StatusDate | Timestamp of when the status was updated in CareBridge | Datetime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
55 | Claim1_DateLastChecked | Timestamp of when CareBridge last checked on the status of the claim | Datetime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
56 | Claim1_PayerStatusCode | Most recent status of the claim as received from the payer or third-party aggregator | Alphanumeric | A1:2 |
57 |
Claim1_PayerStatusDescription |
Description of the status code received from the payer or third-party aggregator |
Alphanumeric |
Accepted for processing. |
58 |
Claim1_FrequencyCode |
Frequency Code for the first claim |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
59 |
Claim2_Status |
Status of the claim in CareBridge |
Alphanumeric |
See Claim Status table below |
60 |
Claim2_InvoiceNumber |
Vendor’s invoice number as received in the visits file in either field 102 or invoice number generated by CareBridge |
Alphanumeric |
1001452 |
61 |
Claim2_PayerClaimNumber |
Payer’s ICN number |
Alphanumeric |
2906973589 |
62 |
Claim2_StatusDate |
Timestamp of when the status was updated in CareBridge |
Datetime |
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
63 |
Claim2_DateLastChecked |
Timestamp of when CareBridge last checked on the status of the claim |
Datetime |
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2020-01-01 14:00” |
64 |
Claim2_PayerStatusCode |
Most recent status of the claim as received from the payer or third party aggregator |
Alphanumeric |
A1:20 |
65 |
Claim2_PayerStatusDescription |
Description of the status code received from the payer or third party aggregator |
Alphanumeric |
Accepted for processing. |
66 |
Claim2_FrequencyCode |
Frequency Code for the second claim |
Alphanumeric |
7 |
67 |
ProviderAtypicalId |
As received in the visits file |
Alphanumeric |
68 |
CaregiverSSN |
As received in the visits file |
Alphanumeric |
69 |
Line1_InvoiceNumber |
Vendor’s invoice line number as received in the visits file in field 103 or invoice line number generated by CareBridge |
Alphanumeric |
70 |
Line2_InvoiceNumber |
Vendor’s invoice line number as received in the visits file in field 104 or invoice line number generated by CareBridge |
Alphanumeric |
71 |
Aggregation1_RecipientName |
Name of organization being sent aggregated data |
Alphanumeric |
HHAeXchange |
72 |
Aggregation1_ExternalIdentifier |
Identifier associated with the aggregated data for this ApptID |
Alphanumeric |
See Aggregation External Identifiers table below |
73 |
Aggregation1_Status |
Alphanumeric |
See Aggregation Status table below |
74 |
Aggregation1_ StatusDateTime |
Datetime |
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2021-01-01 14:00” |
75 |
Aggregation2_RecipientName |
Alphanumeric |
Horizon |
76 |
Aggregation2_ExternalIdentifier |
Identifier associated with the aggregated data for this ApptID |
Alphanumeric |
See Aggregation External Identifiers table below |
77 |
Aggregation2_Status |
Alphanumeric |
See Aggregation Status table below |
78 |
Aggregation2_StatusDateTime |
Datetime |
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM “2021-11-01 14:00” |
79 |
EvvVisitKey1 |
Key Used for Encounters Matching Purposes
Alphanumeric |
0900-2401 NC5121867 |
80 |
EvvVisitKey2 |
Key Used for Encounters Matching Purposes
Alphanumeric |
0900-2401 NC5121867 |
Data Field Information
- The “visit file” referenced in the field description table refers to the file(s) received by CareBridge from a third-party vendor containing the specific visit information.
- Fields in this file will correspond to the stored values for the corresponding ApptID.
- If all field values in the visits file received by CareBridge were valid, the values in this file will match the values we received.
- If fields in visits file received by CareBridge were invalid and could not be stored, the appointment status file will contain null values in those fields.
- If an appointment has been updated multiple times, the appointment status file will contain the most recent field values.
- Caregiver related fields are connected to a CaregiverID for a particular Vendor, Provider, and MCO. Each time a CaregiverID is received as part of a visit, it will update the other Caregiver related fields, and the current information for that CaregiverID will be included in the Appointment Status file.
- Check-in and check-out fields (DateTime, Lat, Long, Street Address, Street Address 2, City, State, and Zip) will not be included on the Appointment Status file if the corresponding CheckInMethod or CheckOutMethod is null or an invalid value.
- Appointments where the "HasErrors" column is false, but the Claim1_Status or Claim2_Status columns have values of "prebilling_rejection" simply need to be re-submitted without changes to successfully generate claims.
- The EvvVisitKey1 and EvvVisitKey2 values are intended to be used to support Encounters data in North Carolina, which must be submitted directly by Third-Party Vendors to Sandata.
Appointment Status Codes
Code | Description |
scheduled |
ApptStartDateTime for visit is in the future |
in_progress |
CheckInMethod is E or I and CheckInDateTime is not null, and CheckOutDateTime is null |
late |
Current time is after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs and CheckInDateTime is null |
late_in_progress |
CheckInDateTime occurs after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs and CheckOutDateTime is null |
missed |
Current time is after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs and CheckInDateTime is null |
missed_in_progress |
CheckInMethod is E or I and CheckInDateTime occurs after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state-specific tech specs and CheckOutDateTime is null |
early_in_progress |
CheckInMethod is E or I and CheckInDateTime occurs before ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs (AR only) and CheckOutDateTime is null |
cancelled |
ApptCancelled field has value C |
completed |
Visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime is within allowable window of ApptStartDateTime (i.e. not late or missed) |
late_completed |
Visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime occurs after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs |
missed_completed |
Visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime occurs after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs |
early_completed |
Visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime occurs before ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs (AR only) |
completed_manual |
CheckInMethod or CheckOutMethod is M and visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime is within allowable window of ApptStartDateTime |
completed_manual_late |
CheckInMethod or CheckOutMethod is M and Visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime occurs after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs |
completed_manual_missed |
CheckInMethod or CheckOutMethod is M and Visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime occurs after ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs |
completed_manual_early |
CheckInMethod or CheckOutMethod is M and Visit has CheckInDateTime and CheckOutDateTime values and CheckInDateTime occurs before ApptStartDateTime by interval defined in state specific tech specs (AR only) |
Claim Status Codes
Code | Description |
null |
This visit did not attempt to create a claim. Visit was sent with ClaimAction null. |
prebilling_rejection |
This visit has not generated a claim due to unresolved pre-billing validation errors |
queued |
This visit has been queued for claim generation as part of the nightly export from CareBridge to Clearinghouse or MCO |
generated |
This visit has a claim that has been generated, but not yet submitted to the MCO. |
submitted |
This visit has a claim that has been submitted to the MCO. |
acknowledged |
This visit has a claim that has been received by the MCO. |
confirmed |
This visit has a claim that was accepted by the MCO. |
rejected |
This visit was rejected by the MCO due to insufficient or invalid data upon initial review of the claim. |
paid |
This visit was paid by the MCO. |
denied |
This visit was denied by the MCO due to insufficient or invalid data upon review of the claim. |
voided |
This visit claim was voided. Visit sent to CareBridge with ClaimAction “V” |
failed |
There was an internal CareBridge error processing this claim |
billed_externally |
This visit had a claim billed outside of CareBridge. Visit sent to CareBridge with ClaimAction “E” |
Aggregation External Identifiers
Aggregation Recipient | Identifier Name | Description |
HHAeXchange – New Jersey |
TransactionID |
TransactionID associated to the most recent attempt to aggregate the visit to HHA |
Horizon – New Jersey |
TransactionID |
TransactionID associated to the most recent attempt to aggregate the visit to Horizon |
Authenticare - Arkansas |
TransactionID |
TransactionID associated to the most recent attempt to aggregate visit to Authenticare |
Aggregation Statuses
Code | Description |
new |
Aggregation attempt has been queued, but not yet been sent |
sent |
Aggregation attempt has been sent, but CareBridge has not received a response back from the Aggregation Recipient |
completed |
CareBridge has received a response from the Aggregation Recipient that the aggregation was successful |
failed |
CareBridge has received a response from the Aggregation Recipient that the aggregation has failed. Errors for failed Aggregation attempts are available on the Appointment Errors Report |
The following fields have been added to this report:
- Claim1_FrequencyCode
- Claim2_FrequencyCode
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