CareBridge Platform
December 2, 2021
What's New
- In the Provider Portal, we've added a new Alerts tab in the Appointment and Visit Details page. This new view allows the user to quickly view all alerts by various categories on the details page and view issues that have been resolved.
November 23, 2021
What's New
- In the Provider Portal, we've introduced a new field for employees called employee type when creating or editing an employee. Employee types can be Caregiver or Back Office types. Employee type will drive how certain alerts are shown in the portal for employees.
October 23, 2021
What's New
- In the Payer Portal, we've enhanced the export feature and no longer cap exports to 5,000 rows of data.
- In CareBridge mobile, we've improved the Ad Hoc visit flow in the mobile app. After a member is selected, the user will now be able to select the specific authorization they are required to provide service. This improves the user experience for our mobile users.
October 14, 2021
Bug Fixes
- We fixed a bug in the mobile app that was stopping users from entering comments on observed changes. This bug was impacting Android users only.
September 23, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, users can now add/edit care plan notes in the additional comments section of the app. Adding or editing care plan notes will not create a manual entry for the visit. This change is now available for all markets.
September 9, 2021
What's New
- In the Provider Portal, we've introduced a feature that allows users to create and save their own custom filters. This will allow users to have pre-defined filters set to run reports off of, or allow users to work specific use cases as part of their own internal work flows.
August 19, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, we've redesigned the check-in screen to be more user-friendly. In this new view, the user will have more information on the member and authorization they are servicing.
August 12, 2021
What's New
- In the Provider Portal, we've introduced a new detailed claim history view. This view allows users to see all visits associated with a claim and the claim summary payment details.
August 5, 2021
What's New
- In the Payer Portal, we've introduced a new employee role that has limited account administrative functionality.
July 23, 2021
Bug Fixes
- We fixed a bug that caused the Member’s name not to show in the Authorization Details modal
July 8, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, users can now see additional authorization information when selecting an authorization via Create Appointment, Manual Entry, or editing the auth on a current visit. New information includes Authorization Number, Secondary Authorization Number (if available), Service Code, Effective Range.
Bug Fixes
- We fixed a bug in the platform where the forgot/reset password passcode was only being sent to email if both email and phone number were present.
June 24, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, we've enhanced the signature screen to make it more accessible.
June 18, 2021
What's New
- In the Provider and Payer Portals, users can now search their billed visits by the Payer Claim Number.
June 8, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, users in select States now have the ability to create manual entries without a prior visit existing.
May 21, 2021
What's New
- We've improved Authorization Details in the Provider Portal. Users are now able to view Authorization Consumption across scheduled, completed, billed, rejected, and paid units.
- In the Provider Portal, we now include the Agg Status and Agg Error Messages in Appointment Visit details itself as well as in the CSV and XLS exports.
April 2, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, users can now update the authorization on a visit.
March 26, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, if a user completes a zero duration visit (a visit under 60 seconds), we now notify the user directly upon checkout and ask if the user would like to complete a manual edit or cancel.
March 19, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, we now display pre-billing issue details to help users better understand the issue directly in the mobile app without having to log into the portal.
March 12, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, we've added our support library directly to the app. Users can find the support documentation by clicking "Support" in the upper right-hand corner of the current visit screen. Users will also have the ability to create support tickets directly in the mobile application through this new support feature.
March 5, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, we've introduced pagination on the past visits screen to improve app performance.
February 26, 2021
What's New
- In CareBridge Mobile, caregivers now have the ability to cancel completed visits and scheduled appointments in the mobile app.
- In CareBridge IVR, caregivers can now check in to a visit immediately without having to schedule an appointment. This feature reflects the similar change we made to the mobile app.
- In the Provider Portal, the visits and billing exports now include completed care plan activities.
February 19, 2021
What's New
In the Provider Portal, providers now have the ability to bulk edit appointment times and assigned employees in the Member Detail view.
February 12, 2021
Bug Fixes
In CareBridge IVR, we fixed an issue with the 12 hour time input when scheduling appointments.
February 5, 2021
What's New
In CareBridge Mobile, training mode is now accessible through the "change between frequent teams" popup. If you went into training mode through this path you will be back "inside" the same provider ID once you quit training mode (instead of at the Team Setup Screen).
- In the Provider portal, we now show an appointment’s scheduling history in Appointment Visit Details.
Bug Fixes
In the mobile app, we fixed a bug that occasionally caused care plan tasks to not display during a visit.
January 29, 2021
What's New
In the Provider portal, we now include Pre-billing issues in the export file on the Visits and Billing pages.
In CareBridge Mobile, we've added the ability to check in to a visit immediately without an appointment.
January 22, 2021
What's New
In the Payer portal, we now include Pre-billing issues in the export file on the Visits and Billing pages.
We improved our 2FA. Recovery and access odes will now be sent to both SMS and Email (if in the Employee's details) when generated from the portal and mobile app.
January 15, 2021
Bug Fixes
We fixed a bug that prohibited the user from scheduling a visit on the last day of a member’s eligibility.
We fixed a minor pagination bug in the Care Plan of Appointment Visit Details.
January 08, 2021
What's New
- We’ve made minor visual enhancements to authorization details, which includes authorization unit burndown in an hour format.
- In CareBridge Mobile, we now let caregivers save frequently visited members in the ad hoc appointment screen.
Bug Fixes
- We fixed a translation issue with Russian IVR.
We fixed a bug that caused EVV Missing Checkout Pre-billing issues to inadvertently display when there was an EVV Checkout address.
December 22, 2020
What's New
- We’ve made a change to IVR to capture time in 12-hour format with am/pm options instead of military time.
- For Provider Managed Members, we now support the ability for a provider to edit the authorization reference number in authorization details as long as the authorization does not have a claimed visit.
- In CareBridge Mobile, we now display a caregiver’s payroll hours. Users can choose between the last 7, 30, and 60 days to view their hours under past appointments.
- In CareBridge Mobile, we now include the authorization reference number, service code, modifiers, and billing status the visit summary, and appointment details.
Bug Fixes
We fixed a bug that was causing authorizations to have a flag that an appointment had a terminated authorization, even though the authorization was active.
December 10, 2020
What's New
- CareBridge now supports address deletion for Provider Managed Members.
- In CareBridge mobile, we’ve introduced scheduling checks on units, auth eligibility, and overlapped service code in mobile.
Bug Fixes
We fixed a bug that prevented employee rates and payroll amounts to show in the provider portal.
- We fixed a bug that allowed you to create a manual entry in the future.
December 3, 2020
What's New
- In the Provider and Payer Portal, we now show additional detailed descriptions related to pre-billing checks in appointment visit details.
- In the Provider Portal, we now allow users to export to billing directly from the appointment visit details page.
- In the Provider Portal, we've added address validation when adding a new address for a member.
- In the Provider Portal, we enhanced scheduling to restrict scheduling multiple appointments for the same member with the same service code at the same time.
Bug Fixes
We fixed a bug that affected the scheduling of Provider Managed Members with multiple eligibilities.
November 25, 2020
What's New
- CareBridge now supports visit export for Provider Managed Members. Providers now have the ability to mark visits that are billed outside of CareBridge as "Billed Externally" for members that are created directly by the Provider.
Bug Fixes
We’ve fixed a bug that prohibited users from uploading members with alphanumeric member IDs in the Provider Portal.
November 19, 2020
What's New
- The CareBridge platform now supports early visit detection. This functionality is similar to our existing late visit functionality. If a user checks in to a visit early via the mobile, CareBridge now has the ability to flag the visit.
Bug Fixes
We’ve improved the bulk import error messaging in the portal for both members and employees to be more descriptive if there is an error in the bulk upload process
November 12, 2020
What's New
CareBridge now supports Provider Managed Authorization and Member creation. Providers have the ability to create and update their own Authorizations and Members in the CareBridge platform. By navigating to the Authorizations section of the platform, a user can select Create Authorization to start the process. Similarly, by navigating to the Members section of the platform, a user can select Create Member to start the process.
Bug Fixes
- CareBridge now alerts users in the Provider Portal if an address received from a Payer for a specific member is not accurate.
October 29, 2020
What's New
- The page dashboard now shows Example Data across the overview, compliance, billing, authorizations, members, and appointments/visits tabs. When the user moves from tab to tab, Example Dashboard remains selected. A user can see this Example Data by toggling the Example Dashboard switch on or off.
- In addition to allowing Providers to add members who are not managed by a CareBridge-affiliated MCO individually, we now support bulk upload. This functionality is very similar to the bulk employee upload feature.
October 8, 2020
What's New
- We’ve introduced a new feature that gives Providers the ability to add members who are not managed by a CareBridge-affiliated MCO directly to the CareBridge platform. Providers with this feature will see an add member button in the Members section of the platform.
October 1, 2020
Bug Fixes
- We fixed a bug that displayed compliance scores in the dashboard as a decimal and not as a percentage.
- We fixed a bug that occasionally prohibited the GPS coordinates from being captured in the mobile app during an EVV Check in/out.
September 25, 2020
What's New
- We’ve added an alert at the authorization segment level, in the authorizations detail modal, to show an individual segment that has exceeded units. If a pre-billing check shows “appointment exceeds the authorization/segments max units,” the user can now check the specific segment in the authorization details modal.
September 18, 2020
What's New
- In the Provider Portal, we now allow users to cancel visits. For every a canceled visit, we require a canceled visit reason (e.g. member refused service).
September 11, 2020
What's New
- We've made a minor change to the discussions filter UI to make it easier for the user to find discussions that are assigned to specific employees or discussions that are assigned directly to the user. A user can now select a check-box to only show discussions that are assigned directly to them. The Assigned To dropdown is now searchable.
Bug Fixes
- We fixed a bug in the Authorizations export function that didn't show the service code in the Authorizations report. The Service Code is now included in the Authorizations Report.
- We fixed a bug that prohibited hours worked and the compliance score to show on the payroll report after it has been exported.
- We made a change to the filters under Member Details that improved the usability of the component. The original filter was covering the information in the table. The updated component will now allow for an expand and collapse to show additional filter information.
September 4, 2020
What's New
- We added a Created By column in the Rates table under Settings to distinguish rates that are added by the Provider and rates that come directly from the Payer.
- In the Payer Portal, we now display Provider Tax ID and NPI # in the Authorizations Details Modal.
Bug Fixes
- We clarified sorting on the Member table to allow sorting by Member Last Name.
- We fixed a bug in the Member’s Care Plan that didn’t allow the user to delete an activity.