Agency Caregivers Document Library

This library contains educational documents for Iowa Agency Caregivers.

Mobile Application Download and Login

The CareBridge mobile application (available for iOS and Android) can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play store. The instructions below will tell you how to download and log in to the application. The mobile app allows the Caregiver to Check-In and Check-Out of EVV required appointments, document any Observed Changes, see and document the Care Plan tasks they complete, and start and/or respond to a Discussion about that Member.


This is a three-page/300 KB PDF file.

Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and Residential Care Facility (RCF) CareBridge Mobile Application Check-In and Check-Out

The CareBridge mobile application is available to Caregivers and can be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play store. If you need help with downloading the app, please refer to the Mobile Application Download and Login Guide in the CareBridge Resource Library. The instructions below will tell you how to Check-In and Check-Out of appointments within the mobile application.


This is a 4-page/2 MB PDF file.

Mobile App Check-In and Check-Out

The Discussions tool in the CareBridge Payer Portal is for MCO employees to communicate both internally within their organization and externally with provider agencies. The Discussions Page of the Payer Portal is designed to allow MCO employees to manage and prioritize inbound communication from providers and act on critical tasks.


This is a three-page/1000 KB PDF file.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Check-In and Check-Out

If you are unable to use the CareBridge Mobile Application, you can use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) option to Check-In and Check-Out of the scheduled visit. You will need to use the Member’s home phone to call the toll-free IVR phone number. Your Provider Agency gave you this number in your training. Be sure you have your Provider ID and IVR PIN from your Agency as well as your 8-digit IVR Passcode, which you create the first time you use IVR. You will need all three of these to use the IVR system.


This is a three-page/1000 KB PDF file.

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