This library contains educational documents for Iowa ICDAC Caregivers.
The CareBridge mobile application (available for iOS and Android) can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play store. This app is free to download. The instructions in this document will tell you how to download and log in to the application.
This is a three-page/1000 KB PDF file.
The CareBridge mobile application is available to Caregivers and can be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play store. The instructions in this document will tell you how to Check-In and Check-Out of appointments within the mobile application.
This is a five-page/2 MB PDF file.
If you are unable to use the CareBridge Mobile Application, you can use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) option to create an appointment, Check-In, and Check-Out of a visit. This method takes more time to complete and you will need to use the Member’s home phone to call the IVR phone number. You will need three different codes that must be entered each time you call in using IVR. (Provider ID, IVR PIN, and IVR Password). You will create the 8-digit IVR Password the first time you use IVR. Please remember that you will need all three of these codes to use the IVR system. The IVR system will walk you through a series of questions to complete the Appointment creation, Check-In, Observed Changes, Care Plan, and Check-Out processes.
This is a four-page/200 KB PDF file.
ICDAC Alerts and their resolutions.
This is a two-page/100 KB PDF file.
For all services with a 15-minute unit of service, the included rounding process will apply.
This is a one-page/100 KB PDF file.
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